“All men who have lived . . . are the raw material awaiting the stamp of the Divine Original. But in order to be like Him . . . a sharer of His Divine Life, must be struck off that die. And the Baptismal font is the new Bethlehem where the copies are made, for there men are re-born again to the life of God.”—Fulton Sheen
1. Baptism is a commanded ordinance (Acts 10:48; John 3:5).
The Scriptural basis for baptism is overwhelming:
(1) The noun “baptism” is mentioned 21 times.
(2) The verbs “baptize, baptized, baptizeth” is mentioned 55 times.
(3) The participle “baptizing” is mentioned 4 times.
2. Baptism is a positive requirement of the Gospel
(1) Jesus made baptism mandatory for salvation (Mark 16:16).
(2) Baptism is a condition to forgiveness (Acts 2:38).
(3) Baptism is the visible seal of the remission of sins (Acts 22:16).
(4) Jesus gives assurance that He saves those who obey (Heb. 5:9).
(5) Baptism was practiced by the early Christians:
(a) Peter and the Pentecostal converts (Acts 2:38).
(b) The Apostle Paul (Acts 9:17, 18).
(c) Cornelius the Roman centurion (Acts 16:15).
(d) The Philippian jailor and his family (Acts 16:33).