When we invite guests to partake of a meal at our home, are we not careful to see that everything about the table makes the meal inviting? And when we serve the food, do we not strive to do it with grace? Then what should we do when we lead God's people in partaking of the emblems at the Lord's table? Dare we do this service for our Lord without any preparation?
Let us think a moment of the beautiful service of the Lord's Supper. No service in the church can mean so much in building up the faith of the members as the communion service. For this service the pastor and the elder need to prepare themselves. At no time is their background on parade so much as when they are at the table. If this be true in ordinary life, it is just as true, and may be more so, when elder and minister are serving at the Lord's table.
The one leading out in this symbolic meal should be a master of flawless technique. At this sacrament of communion we reach the peak of Christian worship. The occasion is made more impressive if our words are few and well chosen. Words are the most valuable currency in the elder's mint. But at the table of the Lord not only words but every act should be an act of worship.
There must be created a sense of oneness with God and with one another. It is not our table, it is the Lord's table, and the elder is serving in Christ's stead. Nothing coarse, crude, or clumsy should be permitted there.
To leave a deep impression one must be gracious. When we conduct these sacred services our method is almost as important as the message. To be graceful is good; to be gracious is better.
When our people gather at the table of the Lord, everything should be so inviting that they will be unconscious of all else save Him. Let us, then, as ministers of the Lord, emulate Him of whom it was written that "grace was poured upon His lips, that He might convey to men in the most attractive way the treasures of truth" (The Desire of Ages, page 253).
Let us remember too that at the Lord's table we are representing our Lord. To do service for a king is an honor. To do service in place of a king is exaltation. To be an embassador of the King of heaven is an honor that demands the very best in culture, training, and consecration.
This issue of the Elder's Digest comes to answer many requests of elders and pastors from different parts of the world field. Often we are asked to make suggestions as to the best methods of performing the communion service of the church. As you can understand it is impossible in this brief compass of a single issue to do full justice to any of the services of the church. But in this issue we are sharing ideas that for sure will stimulate thought and will help elders and pastors improve their techniques in this area.