To point out the closeness of the ties with which our Saviour has bound Himself to the human family.
Text: Isaiah 49:16
Graven upon the palms of His hands.
Thoughts to be developed
1. Christ forever bound to humanity.
2. Extent of Christ's affection for the lost.
3. Sin in the light of the cross.
Supporting Scriptures
Song of Solomon 8:6; John 3:16; Matthew 27:46; Hebrews 6:6
Spirit of Prophecy and Other Helps
See E. G. White Index and the S.D.A. Commentaries for comments on Scripture references. See also: The Desire of Ages, pages 25 and 26-Family of heaven and earth bound together; Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, page 357-If life hid with Christ, Isaiah 49:16 for us; The Desire of Ages, page 479- Jesus knows us individually; Steps to Christ, page 104-Trust all to hand nailed to cross; The Desire of Ages, page 490 Saviour on side of tempted and tried; Steps to Christ, page 31 Sin in light of cross.
1. Use illustrations from your own experience.
2. Luther Takes Communion
D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation records the account of a touching Communion service in which Martin Luther took part. Several of the Reformer's friends had dropped in to see him at one of the critical periods of the Reformation. All were marked men in the records of the Catholic Church. Luther feared that this would be their last meeting their parting might be forever as far as this world was concerned.
In what better manner could these earnest Christian leaders spend their last hours together than in celebrating the Lord's Supper? Luther's friends "agreed, and this little band of faithful men communicated in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. What feelings swelled the hearts of the reformer's friends at the moment when, celebrating the Eucharist with him, they thought it was perhaps the last time they would be permitted to do so! What joy, what love, animated Luther's heart, as he beheld himself so graciously accepted by his Master at the very moment that men rejected him! How solemn must have been that communion! How holy that evening!" (p. 197)
Base on Hebrews 6:6, Shall we crucify the Saviour afresh?
Robert H. Pierson was pastor, evangelist, administrator, and former president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.