Lamentations 3:21-26

The book of Lamentations is a series of dirges, or songs of mourning, that were written against the backdrop of the Babylonian invasion and destruction of Jerusalem. In the verses of this book, we can see the awful sufferings endured by the people of that city at the hand of their enemies. Still, even in the midst of all the pain and turmoil, God had His man in Jerusalem to record the events and to bring honor to His name.

The writer of the book of Lamentations is believed to be Jeremiah. He was known as the “weeping prophet.” A study of Jeremiah’s life reveals a portrait of unending sadness and deep depression.

After enduring a life like this; after being rejected, hated, mocked, imprisoned, and ignored; after seeing his beloved Jerusalem ransacked, desecrated, and destroyed; after experiencing the horror of war, the brutality of the enemy, and the pangs of hunger, Jeremiah was still able to stand amid the rubble of the city and the bodies of the dead and lift his voice in praise to God for His great, unfailing faithfulness to His people.

Like Jeremiah, we all go through times when life seems to fall apart at the seams. When these times come, we also need the blessed assurance that God is faithful!


Mercies. This word is translated “lovingkindness” over 30 times in the Old Testament. It is a very expressive word that conveys all the ideas of “love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, goodness, and devotion.” This word pictures God as the divine Lover of men. It finds its New Testament equivalent in the idea of God’s love and grace. Notice a couple of quick thoughts about the amazing grace of God.

A. His grace saves us. Only grace could have reached us in our lost, doomed condition (Eph. 2:1-4). We could not get to God, so God came to us!

B. His grace secures us. Grace not only sought us out when we were lost in sin; grace keeps us in our saved condition in Christ. We are prone to failure. We are prone to spiritual wandering. Thankfully, salvation is the Lord’s arena and not ours! We are saved by His grace, and we are kept by that same grace (1 Pet. 1:5; Ps. 37:23, 24, 28; John 4:13, 14).


Compassion. This is a word that literally means “womb.” It means “to be moved in the heart out of love for another.” This word is a picture of the grace of God actively moving in the life of the believer. You see, as we pass through our storms and valleys, we do not do so alone! Notice two thoughts here about the great gifts of God.

A. God’s gifts are faithful (verse 23b). God did not promise an easier road, but He promised that His grace would be sufficient for the need (2 Cor. 12:9). Grace is usually defined as “the unmerited love and favor of God toward sinners.” It carries that idea, but this is a word that has come to mean so much more than that. It has come to refer to “the strength of God to face battles and to bear up under times of difficulty.”

As a believer, you’ll never face a situation that God will not give grace to help you make it through. Notice the promise given in Isaiah 43:1, 2.

1. The gift of His presence (Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20). These verses, along with others, reveal the great truth that God is always present with His children. Even when He cannot be seen, He is there.

2. The gift of His performance (Eph. 3:20). Focus on the word “able.” If this verse is to be taken at face value—and I am certain that it is—then it becomes plain that our God is greater, by far, than any problem we have or will ever face.

3. The gift of His provision (Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:25-33; Ps. 37:25). These verses teach us the great truth that God is interested in meeting our needs. Are we confident that God will indeed provide for our needs?

4. The gift of His person (Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6). These verses reveal the truth about God’s nature that makes Him reliable at all times. That is simply the fact that He does not change! God is the same today as He has been forever and the same as He will be forever. He was faithful in the beginning, and He will be faithful in the end.

B. God’s gifts are fresh (verse 23a). According to this verse, God’s grace is as fresh as the new day (Matt. 6:34). We do not have to worry about there not being enough for us to make it through, because God’s grace is sufficient for our needs.


The word “good” has the idea of “pleasant, agreeable and excellent.” It refers to the character of God. This word reminds us that God is ever engaged in that which is best in the lives of His children.

A. He is a satisfier (verse 24a). God is described as the soul’s “portion.” This word means “share or booty.” It refers to “the spoils of war.” Jeremiah is saying, “In the battle of life, God is my reward, my share, and my portion.” When the Lord is viewed in this light, He will be all that a person needs to be satisfied in his or her soul (Ps. 103:5; 107:9).

B. He is a sustainer (verses 24b, 25). God will never fail those who place their trust in Him (Is. 49:23; Rom. 10:11). He will honor every single word of all of His precious promises (Matt. 5:18; Ps. 119:89, 90; Is. 40:8).

C. He is a Savior (verse 26). In this context, Jeremiah is saying, “Those who wait upon the Lord will see Him bring them out of their troubles and trials. He will not fail His children, but, in His time, He will deliver them from all their valleys.”

If you will stop trusting yourself, your religion, and your own goodness, and if you will come to God, confessing your sins and calling on Jesus for salvation, God will forgive you and give you the assurance of salvation (Rom. 10:9, 13; Rev. 22:17).


Great is the faith that can stand amid the wreckage of life and declare the praises of God. Jeremiah was that kind of a believer. Are you?

As you and I face the battles, burdens, valleys, storms, and trials of life, we must always remember that we are Jesus’ little lambs and that He is able to carry us safely through. So, what kind of battles are you fighting today? Bring them to the Father and trust in His unchanging, unfailing faithfulness.

I hope that you can say, as Jeremiah did, “Great is Thy faithfulness.” Do you need to experience that faithfulness today?