For Every Worship Leader There Are Essentials That We Should Store In Our Ministry Tool Chests. Many Of Us Update Our Skills On The Latest Music And Technology, While We Lack Knowledge Of The Basic Worship Essentials Here Are 10 Things That We Too Often Ignore Or Overlook In Our Worship Planning.

1. God

Know God’s will, purpose, and plan for your life. Talk to Jesus each day and let Him direct your songs and worship plans (Eph. 5:17-19).

2. Your Bible

Spend time reading the Bible so that the Bible can read and transform you (Ps.119:105).

3. Yourself

Know your temperament, leadership style, and calling. Know what situations can build you up or break you down and learn how to navigate both.

4. Your Pastor

Foster a regular working relationship with your pastor. Respect and understand his vision and mission for the church and know how to interpret it through praise (1 Tim. 5:17).

5. Your Congregation

Know the spiritual condition of your congregation. Strive to teach, guide, and pastor through music.

6. Your Craft

Continue to improve your musical skills. Good leaders are constant learners (1 Chron. 25:7, 8).

7. Your Limitations

Know the areas where you need help and ask for it.

8. Your Resources

Know what resources are available to you to be successful. Build, manage, and maintain leadership teams (Mark 3:13, 14).

9. Your Successor

Ask God to show you your replacement and prepare him or her for your role (Deut. 34:9).

10. Your Prayer Closet

Know that being called to be a worship leader requires Godly wisdom, strength, humility, and Holy Spirit power. Surrender to God in prayer and find a secluded place to offer your private praise (Mat. 14:23).

This article was originally published in Best Practices, a free email newsletter from the North American Division Resource Center.