[We are including in this section some samples of pastoral prayers in answer to many requests received from elders]. The Editor.


Merciful Lord Jesus,

At your generous table, we share the cup of life and the bread of strength. Here our errors can be cleansed, our lives made new and our future secured by your grace.

As we have eaten and drunk in remembrance of you, so let us live in remembrance of you.

Let us care for the needy, in remembrance of your mercy.

Let us resist evil in any form, in remembrance of your victory over Satan.

Let us show compassion to all, in remembrance of your tender care of the suffering.

Let us forgive those who have sinned against us, in remembrance of the forgiveness you have lavished upon us.

Let us be constant in prayer and worship, in remembrance of your faithfulness.

Let us be diligent and careful in our work, in remembrance of your labors on our behalf.

Let us be quick to nourish hope and faith in others, in remembrance of the comfort and strength we have found in your Presence.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(2) Communion

Redeemer Lord,

Long ago, on a distant road to a place called Emmaus, your disciples came to recognize your Presence with them through the breaking of bread. Today we, your disciples, journey upon far different roads, but our need for you is the same.

We are weary.

We need your renewing Presence before we continue on our way.

Come to us, Lord, in the breaking of bread and the sharing of wine.

Let us feel the warmth of your life-giving blood flowing through us. Let us feel the fullness of your love as we share bread and body together.

In this holy meal, lift from our stooped hearts the burden of sin and guilt.

Release us from the condemnation of our conscience and help us walk with bolder stride the path before us.

Together make us part of your body in the world, bearing your creative and redeeming love to a hurting creation.

As we share this, your victory feast, fill us with energy to live out our faith in the arena of our daily work and responsibility.

Train our hearts and minds to find joy in serving our neighbors and fulfillment in living for you.

After we leave this table, send us out with renewed courage to proclaim the faith and hope within | us to a world that needs both.

For then we shall have become your body in the world. Amen.


God of our Salvation,

Since ancient times you have reached out to your people through water and so made them your own.

You rescued Noah and his family from the waters of the flood.

You brought the people of Israel safely through the Red Sea, out of slavery into the freedom of the Promised Land. To this day, you reach out to your beloved children through the waters of baptism, drawing them forth to new life in Christ.

Today your mercy catches hold of [name(s)] that [he/she/they] may drown [his/her/their] old life of sin and with Christ rise to new life through the wonder of your love for [him/her/them].

For Jesus' sake, receive [this/these] newborn [children] of faith.

Set [his/her/their] feet firmly upon the path to heaven's high places.

Work in [his/her/their] heart(s) day after day to reveal new aspects of your love. Bit by bit, help [name(s)] grow into the [person/people] you created [him/her/them] to be.

Show [name(s)] [his/her/their] true potential as (a) disciple(s) and servant(s) of God.

Grant [him/her/them] the strength, the drive and the opportunity to develop fully the unique qualities you have given [him/her/each one of them].

Teach [him/her/them] that perfect freedom comes from being bound closely to you in love and servant hood

Help [him/her/them] function as your hands and your voice in the world.

Grant [name(s)] humility that [he/she/they] might learn wisdom; gentleness, that [he/she/they] might learn strength; endurance, that [he/she/they] might develop character; and fear of the Lord, that  [he/she/they] might fear no one on earth.

We bless you and thank you for the new [sister/brother/sisters and brothers] in Christ you have given us this day.

We welcome [him/her/them] into our family of faith; we receive [him/her/them] as (a) coworker(s) in your kingdom.

Help us minister to [him/her/them] as [he/she/they] learn to walk the way of faithful obedience.

Together, bring us to that splendid day when we all will be united around your throne forever and always. Amen.