I have been asked to discuss practical ways we wives could help our husbands as they carry the burden of finishing the work God has entrusted to this people. We women are eager to do our part. We want to help! What can we do? What is our part in this tremendous yet glorious assignment?
We all realize that when a country is at war, women play an important part in helping to achieve ultimate victory. We need to keep in mind that we are in a war a spiritual war, a war against the forces of evil and our husbands are soldiers of the cross, fighting on the front lines.
They need our prayers
While our husbands are preaching and we sit in the congregation, we can silently, earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to the listeners and to convert souls. When they struggle with problems in committees, we at home can lift our hearts in prayer asking God to give special help and wisdom. When our men travel from place to place, we should pray for their protection. Eternity alone will reveal how many times their lives have been spared and they have been permitted to continue their work and return home to us. Let us pray constantly for them and let them know that we are praying.
They need our encouragement
At times our husbands' work is most difficult and often they come home extremely weary. It is then that our very attitude should breathe courage and confidence. We know their greatest strength and courage must come from God so we guard their periods of rest and study and prayer even at the expense of our desire for companionship and conversation. At times they need to be alone to commune with God to renew their strength.
If we are to bring encouragement and strength to our husbands, our own Christian experience must remain warm and constant. If we should be depressed or discouraged, it is bound to reflect in their lives. If we have a daily rich experience with our Savior, we can share our courage, our hope, our joy with them. The influence of the fruits of the Spirit will grow in us, so that we can be an encouragement to our families and to all whose lives touch ours.
They need nutritious food
Our husbands, like soldiers in any army, not only need encouragement, they need simple, nutritious food attractively served. Nutrition is a very interesting, rewarding study. How fortunate we are to have the Spirit of Prophecy writings and other reliable authorities we may turn to for counsel in this important matter. If in our cooking we follow this instruction, our husbands' minds, bodies, and hearts will benefit. Time spent in seeking to keep our husbands healthy, as well as happy, will be time well spent, and God will surely bless our efforts along this line. The cause of God will, in turn, benefit from longer and more effective service because we have done our part.
They need us to set a good example
Our example before those around us will either help or hinder our husbands. The apostle Paul's admonition to young Timothy may well be applied to us: "Be thou an example of the believers" (I Tim. 4:12). People watch the worker's wife closely. Sometimes they are more demanding with us than with other church members. We have high standards to live up to. In order for our husbands' preaching to be as effective as we would like, we must live what they preach. When we are perplexed, a bit anxious as to just what our example should be, it is comforting to know that the Holy Spirit will be our Guide. He will give day-by-day instruction in even the smaller details of our daily living. He does this through the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. We have a never-failing source from which we may draw. The precious promise is"If any... lack wisdom, let him ask of God." If we but follow His leading, we may be assured that our example will be such as will draw men and women closer to the Savior.
Reach out to others
After we have done our best for our own households our husbands and our children the Lord expects us, as true mothers in Israel, to reach out beyond our own family circle. Every night millions lie down cold and hungry. I have seen thousands of such unfortunate people in lands afar, while we here in the homeland are often too warm and have a tendency to overeat. God expects us to do what we can for the needy and the stranger. What a responsibility is ours! But what a glorious privilege!
There are other ways wives can help their husbands in the work in these closing days. I have mentioned only a few. These are such simple things praying, encouraging, studying, cooking, watching our example, and working for the needy but these are ways we can help in finishing the work. There is nothing difficult about God's way into the kingdom. The Sermon on the Mount is not complicated. Likewise, the helps I have mentioned are simple. But as we all well know, it takes the grace of God and complete surrender of self to put these things into practice.
If we do our part we need never fear. Our Great Helper will do His. Then we will truly be "helpmeets" to the men whom we love and whom we desire to help finish God's work in our day.
Dollis M. Pierson is living in Hcndersonville, North Carolina.