Ekkehardt Mueller, ThD, DMin, is a retired associate director of the Biblical Research Institute at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, MD, USA.

Worldwide more people die by suicide than by homicide and war. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth and young adults (ages 10-24). It is also one of the leading causes of death for adults (ages 25-44). Many people think about suicide at some point in their lives. In 2004 the estimated number of attempted suicides in the U.S. was 800,000. On average in the U.S. someone attempts suicide every 40 seconds and 88 people die by suicide each day. We are not to judge these people. Yet Scripture is clear by telling us not to kill (Ex. 20:13) which includes ourselves.

On the other hand, people try to enjoy life to the fullest without caring about God and the future, abusing their bodies in various ways (Luke 17:26-30). There seems to be a problem with the stewardship of our bodies. Good stewardship of our body is not only beneficial for us but is a form of worship (Rom. 12:1).


• What role does physical health play in the plan of God?
Gen. 1:31 God wanted humans to be healthy forever.
Ex. 15:26 After the fall God became the Great Physician.
Luke 4:38-40; 7:22; Mark 3:10 Jesus healed people and preached the gospel.
Rev. 21:4 On the new earth, suffering and death will be no more.

• Why does God care for our bodies and our physical health?
There is a connection between physical well-being and mental and emotional well-being. Physical problems can lead to psychological problems and even to problems with believing in God. Today psychosomatic illnesses are well-known. However, God wants us to live fulfilled lives and be good representatives of Him. He is opposed to sin and suffering.
3 John 2 God wants us to enjoy health in all respects.


• Why are we responsible for our bodies?
John 1:3, 11 As our Creator, God is interested in our health. He owns us, including our body. He also wants us to be fit for ministry.
1 Cor. 6:19-20 God also has a right to us because of salvation. Our body is to be God’s dwelling place.

• What is our goal when we take care of our bodies?
Rom. 12:1-3 We want to serve God and please him.
1 Thess. 5:23 We want to grow in all respects and be “complete, without blame” at Christ’s Second Coming.
1 Cor. 10:31 We want to glorify God and become like Him.

• How can I keep my body healthy and be a good steward? Healthy habits include, for example, eating good food, exercise, getting sufficient sleep, having a moderate amount of work, and attending to personal hygiene.

Because of psychosomatic effects, other activities also contribute to good stewardship of our bodies. These include singing, listening to or performing good music, reading uplifting and thought-provoking books, studying Scripture, praying, loving our neighbor, spending time in nature, having a helpful hobby. Refraining from healthy habits may be a form of gradual suicide. The sixth commandment may address this issue indirectly.


God cares for our health. Therefore, He has given us tips to preserve it. As the Creator He knows what is harmful and what is beneficial to us. Therefore, Scripture mentions various health principles which will be explained in a later study. Basic health tips can be summarized in eight points:

Air - We need sufficient pure air and we need to breathe right.
Sunlight - We need to go outside regularly and enjoy sunlight.
Rest - It is not good to work only. We need enough rest.
Exercise -
We need to walk or jog and do sports.
Food - Well-balanced and adequate nutrition is important.
Water - We need to drink enough pure water.
Self-control - We need self-control in eating, drinking, and all things.
Trust in God - Trust in God creates stability and resilience.


• What am I going to do if God gives me new insights with regard to the stewardship of my body?
• How will I be able to put into practice what I have discovered and will still discover?

Ekkehardt Mueller is associate director for the Biblical Research Institute at the General Conference. This article has been reprinted, by permission, from Reflections, the BRI Newsletter, edited by Clinton Wahlen.

Ekkehardt Mueller, ThD, DMin, is a retired associate director of the Biblical Research Institute at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, MD, USA.