Today’s fast-paced lifestyle has led us to alter the order of an ancient universal rule: think before acting. This new attitude generates irrational words and actions and often leads to disastrous results. How hard it is to rebuild what has been destroyed by our lack of good sense!
No wonder the Word of God says, “A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands” (Prov. 14:1, NLT). I would like to reflect with you upon this text.
First of all, we need to remember that knowledge is not the same as wisdom. You could say that wisdom is the ability to use properly the knowledge you have. Many people in all walks of life have a high level of knowledge; however, they lack wisdom to use this knowledge in a sensible and prudent way. Knowledge helps you to conquer something, but wisdom helps you to build it. Knowledge is related more to having, and wisdom to being.
As daughters of God, you and I need a good dose of wisdom to live in a way that is pleasing to the Lord and that testifies to the efficient power of the gospel. For those who are married to church leaders, this ability becomes even more essential and is noticed in a more intense way by those who look to us for motivation and leadership. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). The secret is in the Lord, who is the author of everything, including wisdom.
Nevertheless, wisdom does not happen by magic or by a mystical touch. Just as thirst is quenched by how much you drink, your need for wisdom is supplied by how much time you spend with Jesus. This contact needs to happen every day. Remember that you need to allow yourself to be influenced by this acquaintance; otherwise, there will be only knowledge— no transformation or self-control, no edification or wisdom. For example, Judas knew Jesus very well. He sat next to Him day by day, but he did not become wise, he was not changed, and he did not develop control over his will or use knowledge adequately. We all know what happened to Judas!
When your experience with Jesus becomes real and significant, your house will be built. Think of your home as more than a place to live. Include in it the idea of a home: your character, your children’s characters, the esteem and respect of your husband before the church, and your family before society
Yes, my friend, your influence is powerful, but for this influence to be valuable, wisdom is indispensible. Wisdom makes you think before speaking and acting. It helps you do the right thing at the right time at the right place with the right person. Better than that, wisdom helps you be the right person.
Do not underestimate the consequences of irrational moments, for they are hard to rebuild, recover, and heal. For this reason, think, reflect, analyze before acting, or do as the good bricklayer does: plan, organize, choose the best materials, and build the foundation of your life and your family. What will the result be? A strongly-built home will bring satisfaction, trust, safety, and the assurance that no matter the intensity of the storm, your house will remain strong on the Rock and won’t be shaken.
This is what God desires for you: wisdom. This is what the church expects to see in a leader: a well-built home. Therefore, learn to think before speaking and acting.
Denise Lopes is Women’s Ministries Director in the South Brazil Union Conference.