Susana Giaccarini de Bruno is an associate for Women's Ministries in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Translated by Antonio A. Rios.

They were two women, one chose to develop interior beauty. She had time for her heavenly Father, in the first place. The other woman preferred to make the world around her more pleasing. She worked carefully and with energy.

In Bethany, at the house of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, Jesus found rest and companionship. Since He didn't own His own house He stayed with them very often.

Mary was accused of being indifferent, because she sat at Jesus' feet to listen to Him; the Master approved what others criticized. "Mary was enriching her spirit with the beautiful words proceeding from the Savior's lips, words that had greater value for her than the most magnificent jewels of earth."

Mary observed what others didn't see and she dedicated her full attention to the words of Christ more than others around Him. Martha, in turn, was always busy, doing her best to please the Master.

She went and came busy with all the details. Martha was an industrious woman. She loved Jesus very much and she wished to make Him comfortable and stood out by her example of active piety. As she worked for others she experienced great satisfaction. She was always willing to serve.

Generally, as we remember these women in the passage in Luke 10:38-42, Mary is exalted to the detriment of Martha. Therefore, I would like to share with you my opinion about them.

I can imagine Mary on one side, seating at the feet of Jesus, listening with reverence and devotion. Quoting Jesus: "Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" Luke 10:42.

Martha was in another world. As they sat at the table she was the one serving, she was the one busy taking care of all the details. Even today these two types of women are necessary. It would be of great advantage if one could develop both virtues: (1) deep spiritual life, with time to sit at Jesus' feet, and (2) a life of service working with care and energy.

Martha's difficulties

Many things occupy our time: the home, a career, work, church activities and our responsibility toward the community.

You can be (1) a tired housewife, extenuated, because there is always something else to do and you have no time to rest; (2) a young student busy studying for a career; (3) a lady who works outside the home, who would like to have some rest, therefore it is difficult because she is overwhelmed by her duties and commitments of her job.

Perhaps you are living more than one of these situations, since today it is very common for a woman to take care of her home, work outside and struggle to obtain professional success. Besides, if you were a member under obligation and involved with the duties of the church, being a leader and not just a spectator, this would require responsibility, time and perseverance. 

Therefore, no matter what our situation might be, we need to spend time close to God.

Mary's devotion

How can I maintain a close relationship with the Lord and understand what is His will for me?

Through prayer and Bible study. "The Bible is Cod's voice speaking to us, as sure as if we could hear it literally." Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 393. Through prayer 1 speak with Him. "The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer" Psalm 6:9. Consequently, a point of communication is established.

Through His Word, God communicates with us in a personal way: "My son, if you accept my word and store up my commands within you, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of Cod" Proverbs 6:1,4,5.

Many times we are blind and cannot perceive the depth of meaning of heavenly light that shines from the pages of the Bible. Sometimes we only see the surface; therefore we need to go deeper in the study of the Scripture as if we were looking for a hidden treasure.

Peter also speaks to us with the wisdom of Solomon: "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" (1 Peter 2:2). When a baby desires milk, he cries, shouts and kicks his legs, until the milk arrives and then sucks untiringly. This should be our attitude toward the word of Cod; nothing else can totally satisfy our inner desires.

Being Mary and Martha

It's an excellent idea to have a bag or a small worship box. Therein you could keep the devotional material: the Bible, the quarterly, a meditation book, a Spirit of Prophecy book or some other book of particular interest, a small block of paper, pencil, pen, etc. All that we need will be there at our reach in an organized form, and ready for the best moment to have our devotional. Thus we can carry our bag or box with the materials anywhere. Wherever we go we can have our personal sanctuary.

Prayer lifts us to God. Prayer is essential for a deep relationship with Jesus. I am not referring to a fast prayer or an attitude of prayer-when I do the dishes or take care of the laundry, when I travel, when I walk-but without a special prayer. "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" Matthew 6:6.

This seems to indicate that we need a specific time to pray during the entire day, so that, in secret, alone with your Father, we may "pour our souls" and place our burdens on Him so that He can fortify us in His power and wisdom.

To dedicate time to search for God through His word and prayer, will be like Mary, a woman of deep spiritual life. When this takes first place in our life, miraculously the time is sufficient to satisfy all our daily needs. Work will be properly and carefully done. The person we love will be taken care of and our lives will be transformed.

However, if we don't lose the sensibility to perceive other people's needs and we always had something to share, we will remember Martha. Our abnegation and the spirit of sacrifice have always been a requirement of an acceptable service. Christ says that true religion is practicing compassion and showing love at home, in church, and in the world. Pure and spotless religion is not a feeling, but the practice of works of mercy and love.

Our supreme example is Jesus. He prayed, healed the sick, fed the multitudes, nevertheless He took time to renew His strength through prayer and meditation, in order to be in communion with His Father.

All who work for God must possess a mixture of the attributes of Martha and Mary-good will to serve and sincere love for the truth. Our own self is the egotism that must be lost sight of. God requires faithful servants, prudent, affectionate, and tender." Christian Service, p. 27.

May each one of us be able to fulfill the ministry assigned by God, and may the Lord find in us women who are willing to serve Him, to assume the responsibility to work for Him, with Martha's dedication, but placing before everything else sitting at the feet of Jesus following Mary's example, whose desire was none other than to follow her Master's example. 

Susana Giaccarini de Bruno is an associate for Women's Ministries in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Translated by Antonio A. Rios.