Antonio A. Rios.

Interviews held by Pastor Jonas Arrais, MinisterialAssociate of the South American Division, withthree leaders of Peruvian congregations. Wladimiro Silva Chavez is a retired pastor of the North Peruvian Mission. Since his retirement he has been involved as church elder, exclusively in the missionary district of San Andres.

Wladimiro Silva Chavez

Jonas: In your opinion, which are the greatest needs of the church?
1. We need more instruction in church doctrine.
2. Total preparation of the membership to testify.
3. Pouring of the Holy Spirit to firmly establish our faith.
4. To organize the entire church into small groups.
5. Total knowledge of Christian stewardship.
6. A true spirit of genuine love, especially for the new converts.
7. Grater missionary spirit.

Jonas: How many times per month do you preach?
Wladimiro: I generally preach once a month at the central church of the San Andres district, and other times in the other churches and congregations of the missionary district. In our small groups I preach and teach on Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Jonas: On what subjects do you prefer to preach?
Wladimiro: I derive great pleasure in preaching about Christian stewardship, the Sanctuary, the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, the home and family, doctrines, the Holy Spirit and the Second Coming of Christ.

Jonas: How are the candidates prepared for baptism in your church?
Wladimiro: Those interested in baptism are prepared in Bible classes, in small groups, in Bible studies at home or baptismal classes in the church. 

Jonas: How many persons have already been baptized as a result of your direct contact?
Wladimiro: Up till now (November of 2001) 12 individuals were taken to the feet of Jesus. I believe that six people will be baptized at the end of the campaign. 

Jonas: What would you say to the retired pastors?
Wladimiro: I would encourage them to continue working for God and His church because it's a privilege. I feel very happy because now I am able, on a voluntary basis, to continue as a member in the church leading many people to the baptismal waters. This work, which I am doing with my wife, has been a great blessing. 

Maria Neri
Maria Neri, or sister Julia, as she is known, had the opportunity to lead 25 individuals into Cod's church by baptism.

Jonas: What are the offices that you have held in the church?
Maria Neri: During the years that I have been in the church I have been children's teacher, Sabbath School leader and group leader. 

Jonas: What happened to your Missionary Group?
Maria Neri: In 1994, our Missionary Group No. 2, of the Central Church of Porvenir went out to conquer the territory of the new housing development in Huerta Bella, where we didn't have an Adventist presence. We began meeting in a private home and to engage in personal work, visiting the neighbors' and friends' homes, which joined the new group.We also had Holy Week meetings and slowly but surely we saw the results of that effort. Today, with the three small groups of two people each, they continue visiting and giving Bible studies.

Jonas: What is your work today and how do you feel?
Maria Neri: At the beginning I was elected as a leader. And in 1999, when the group was organized, I was again appointed leader, since the brethren said they had full confidence in my work and my determination to carry this work forward. My greatest dream is to have a place where we can worship our Father. God found us a piece of land right in the housing development thanks to the help received from the administrators of the North Pacific Mission, the district pastor, and to the brethren who meet with the congregation of Huerta Bella.

Ronald Guevara
Ronald Guevara, 25 years old, was chosen by his church to be an elder for last year. He is studying Science of Communication for Marketing and Organizational Communication

Jonas: How would you describe an elder's task?
Ronald: I consider the elder as an assistant to work within and without the church, the pastor's right hand, since both are involved in the work and mission of the church. It's a special call from God. 

Jonas: What is the greatest need of the young elders?
Ronald: The first and most vital need is to walk with Christ every moment. Without Him is to be dead. The second item is to know the needs of the church members. Third is to know the needs of those who live close to the church; our neighbors, who see us all the time, also need to be visited constantly as an example of a living testimony. 

Jonas: How is the life of a young elder spent?
Ronald: It is similar to the life of all the sons of God. The only difference in relation to the others is the office. To be an elder is a call that inspires and draws one closer to God.

Jonas: Is it easy to work with young people?
Ronald: It is fascinating to work with young people. We talk, we sing, we go for walks and form small groups to teach others who know us, but do not know Jesus. Small groups already exist at universities and our challenge is to penetrate them with the message everywhere.

Jonas: How do you divide your time between your studies and your responsibility in church?
Ronald: I am always present in the campaigns, I don't know how to explain it but with the power from above I have been able to accomplish it. I study from Tuesday to Friday and I dedicate Sabbaths to my church, preaching in the places assigned by the pastor. I take with me a group of young people and invite them to come to the front and to pray. My mother says that I prayed at home for my family members since I was six years old; today, I do it with the same joy as when I was young admiring our heavenly Father's mercy. Almost everything in life has to be planned, and it is there that we find success.

Jonas: What is the strategy to open up new places?
Ronald: Small groups are a divine inspiration. Everywhere in our district meetings are held in small groups three times a week, with studies and visits. The leaders of small groups and members are the ones who prepare the field and organize new groups. The ministry of prayer is the power that moves our church. Everyday prayer is offered for a brother or a sister so that someday we may be able to finish spreading the good news. 

Jonas: What is the secret for a harvest campaign?
Ronald: The strength of the Christian is found in prayer. That's the secret. A church that does not pray will die. The second secret is the strategic planning in the leader's meeting. The motivation, through constant visits to our brethren, and total evangelism, is the strength we need.

Jonas: How do you evaluate your first year as an elder?
Ronald: The best evaluation is that I perceive in my life what God is doing for me, for my family and for all those who support me. I hope to continue working according to God's will; I am ready to go wherever He calls me. I am happy with what I have and I don't care whether it is little or much. I am happy to be called a disciple of God. I would like very much to finish my education and to serve in the work within my area of study.

Translated by Antonio A. Rios.