Philemon 1-25

I. Salutation (verses 1-3)

A. Prisoner (verse 1): Though Paul was a prisoner, it did not discourage him from living for God

B. Persons (verse 2): Apphia was the wife of Philemon and Archippus was their son.

C. Peace (verse 3): From God and Christ. Note the emphasis Paul places on Christ being equal with God.

II. Saints (verses 4-7)

A. Prayer (verse 4): Paul is thankful for Philemon's prayers. Your prayers mean much to God's servants.

B. Personality (verse 5): Philemon had faith and love in God. Faith and love always go together.

C. Power (verse 6): Faith always results in power! All things become possible through faith and prayer.

D. Peace (verse 7): Through faith, the Christian has great joy and peace in Christ.

III. Supplications (verses 8-19)

A. Prisoner (verses 8, 9): Paul in jail longs to be with Philemon. Paul in prison for preaching about Christ.

B. Plea (verse 10): Paul asks Philemon to be kind to Onesimus, a runaway slave, who was converted by Paul.

C. Profitable (verses 11, 12): He was unprofitable but now is profitable.

D. Person (verses 13-16): Receive Onesimus as a brother.

E. Partner (verses 17-19): Paul will make up for anything stolen from Philemon. All in God's family!

IV. Security (verses 20-22)

A. Personal (verse 20): Joy by knowing Philemon.

B. Positive (verse 21): Paul had faith in people.

C. Preparation (verse 22): Paul asks for a lodging place.

V. Summary (verses 23-25)

A. Persons (verses 23, 24): The people who were helpful.

B. Prayer (verse 25): A closing prayer or benediction.