- Organ Prelude
- Processional Hymn
- Call to Worship
- Invocation and the Lord's Prayer
- Hymn: "I Think When I Read That Sweet Story of Old" or some other appropriate children's hymn.
- The superintendent of the Sabbath School Children's Department, senior deacon, or an elder leads the parents with their children to the altar of the church, where they face the pulpit.
- The minister or chosen elder takes his place before the pulpit, facing the audience.
- After the hymn has been sung, the minister or the chosen elder reads Mark 10:13-16, the story of Samuel, or some other appropriate Scripture, and also Matthew 18:1-6.
- Then the minister or elder says: Dearly beloved, throughout the ages godly parents have presented their children to God in dedication and thanksgiving. In bringing your child (children) to this temple to present him (her or them) to our wonderful Lord, you are following a noble heritage. Believing that this child is a gift from God and as a token of your thanksgiving to Him, do you promise to train up this child in the fear and admonition of the Lord?"
The parents answer: "I do."
- * The minister or elder says: "Believing in the words of God, 'Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it,' do you promise by your faith, example, and precept to guide this child so that when he (she) comes to the age of discretion, he (she) may more surely accept Christ as his (her) Lord and Savior and unite with God's people, and by his (her) witness help to make known the blessed Gospel to all the world?"
The parents answer: "I do."
Our Father, lover of children, knowing that "as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him," with confidence we come to Thee to ask Thee to accept this (or these) blessed gift (gifts) whom we now dedicate to Thee and Thy service. We therefore open our hearts to Thee and with the dedication of this child (children), we would dedicate anew ourselves to Thy service.
Grant to these parents wisdom, strength, and courage as they endeavor to train this child in the way he (she) should go; and may they have the superb joy of leading him (her or them) to confess Christ as Lord.
May this child (these children) be given faith, courage, and strength to meet the exigencies of life victoriously. May he (she or they) always be clad in the Christians armor and "having done all; may he (she or they) stand in the liberty wherewith we are made free" In Jesus' blessed name we ask these things. Amen.
- The congregation sings: "When He Cometh to Make Up His Jewels" or another appropriate dedication hymn, after which they will be seated.
- The officiating person leads the way for the parents and their children. Then the minister or elder returns to the pulpit to continue the service.
- Anthem by choir
- Offertory
- Sermon
- Consecration hymn
- Benediction
When this service is conducted early in the morning worship service, the children are usually less tired and restless.
Some people like to take the child up in their arms. It seems best, however, to leave them in their parents' arms, where they are less likely to become disturbed or agitated.
Provide a well-worded and attractive certificate. Have it completely filled out and present it to the family before they leave the church auditorium. If you have an assistant, he or she can make the presentation. Moreover, the assistant should direct the family to their proper positions for the service.
Keep a complete record of these services including time, place, and participants and date of child's birth, etc. Visit the family before the service.
Visit the parents after the service. It is good to show young parents that their spiritual leader desires to be their friend as well as their preacher. Let them know that your church offers much to meet their spiritual and intellectual needs.