1 I think there's way too much emphasis on money from the pulpit.
The fact that more than 30 percent of Jesus' teachings deal with money and possessions shows the priority He placed on giving. Just as giving is a tangible evidence of God's love for us, so it is one of the ways we demonstrate our love for God. Calls for offerings are a response to the opening providences of God.
2 My giving is really nobody's business but my own.
Through the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14) and the parable of the misguided merchant (Luke 12:16),Jesus clearly tells His followers, then and now, that we are accountable for our possessions and indeed our lives as well.
3 I'll give what I can when I can
Giving is a way of regularly renewing our loyalty as disciples. Such loyalty isn't spur-ofthe-moment, but an ongoing commitment.
4 It's not the amount I give that concerns God. Rather, it's my attitude.
In one sense, yes (see 2 Cor. 8:9-15). But as good stewards we should ask ourselves, Does my giving demonstrate a commensurate trust in God's provision?
5 I'd rather just give a lump sum once a year than try to keep track of a monthly or weekly amount.
Could we manage our households without the blessing of regular resources? The household of faith is maintained best by the same ability to plan.
6 We're going through a really tough time right now. We'll catch up on our giving when things get better.
Adventist churches abound with testimonies of members who have been extremely generous even though they were very poor (see 2 Cor. 8:2). It is in times like this that we need more than ever God's promised wisdom and blessing (see Prov. 3:5-10).