Every Christless sermon is a sin against God and a sin against humanity. Any sermon destitute of the saving blood of Christ resembles the offering of Cain. God rejected his offering because the blood of the slain lamb was not in it, was not represented by it. Christless sermons do not prick the heart and convict of sin, and lead people to ask, "What must I do to be saved?"

Any preacher who preaches the gospel of the cross will never run out of material. He will always have plenty of sermons. He will be filled with the living message every time he rises to speak.

What we need today is a positive gospel. The world is sick of negations. We are not to preach of our doubts, but of the truth we have found. The judgments of God are in the earth, and the only protection is the protection that God gives. God gives everything in Christ. He said of old, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you" (Ex. 12:13).

Do you, dear preacher, have the mark of the blood? When you are preaching, is it over your pulpit? Is it over your heart? What a privilege it is to preach Christ! There is nothing more wonderful, no experience more thrilling, no joy more satisfying! I know it. I know the thrill of it, and I would like to share it with you.*

* H.M.S. Richards, Feed My Sheep, Review and Herald Publishing Assn., Washington, D.C., 1958, pp. 182,193,195,197.