"Unless correct ideas of true worship and true reverence are impressed upon the people, there will be a growing tendency to place the sacred and eternal on a level with common things, and those professing the truth will be an offense to God and a disgrace to religion" (Testimonies to the Church, vol. 5, p. 500).
"The test questions for every Christian to ask himself are, 'Have I, in my inmost soul, supreme love for Christ? Do I love His tabernacle? Will not the Lord be honored by my making His sacred institution my first consideration?'" (Gospel Workers, p. 433).
"Every morning lean thine arm awhile / Upon the window sill of heaven /And gaze upon the Lord. /Then with the vision in thy heart, /Turn strong to meet the day" (Author Unknown).
"I myself will awake early. I will praise thee, O Lord, among people" (Psalm 108:2, 3).
"It is a part of my religion not to interrupt the religion of others" (the reply of a devotedly pious lady to the question why she always went early to church).
"Whoever through indolence or indifference, is behind time, sins against God, his fellow worshipers, and his own good. A tardy courtier offends his prince how much more a tardy worshiper his God" (Anonymous).
"We believe if congregations made it a part of their religion not to twist their necks almost out of joint to witness the entrance of every person who passes up the aisle during the service, it would be better both for their necks and their relioion" (R. A. Bertram).
"So worship God acceptably with reverence" (Hebrews 12:28) "If He be 'our Lord,' let us do Him reverence" (Adams).
"True reverence for God is inspired by a sense of His infinite greatness and a realization of His presence" (Education, p. 242).
"There are practices tolerated in religious congregations which Christians who are jealous for the honor of their Master's house should utterly condemn. Decorum is the handmaid of devotional feeling, and for this reason the house of God should never be disturbed by the slightest approach to irreverence" (Anonymous).
"Unless you educate yourselves to respect the place of devotion, you will receive no blessing from God" (Testimonies to the Church, vol.5, p. 608).