The Central Church of Curitiba, with a thousand members today, and almost half of them young men and young women during the Sabbath program, constitutes a "young church" which functions with its Sabbath School leadership, deacons, deaconesses, and its elders, making a total of ten elders. Is very active in music, the social program and missionary work. Eduardo Valenzi, 31 years old and married, Fabio Freitas, 24 years old and single, and Walter Satyro, 27 years old and married; are three young elders who were interviewed by Pastor Jonas Arrais. They discussed the challenges faced today by young people.

Elder: Is it difficult to be the elder of a young congregation?

Eduardo: It is not difficult since we work with a team of well qualified elders and we have a pastor who gives us ample support. It would be extremely difficult if the help at leadership level were minimal. Since the majority of leaders are delighted to work for the Lord, everything becomes easier because there are more heads thinking and are more readily available to help.

Likewise I feel that it's a great responsibility. I asked myself up to what point I'm really worthy of such a responsibility. I thought about the personality of the elder, as an example of a Christian, jealous for the principles and leadership. In talking with the pastor of that young congregation of those days I felt more motivated and confident.

The promise that the Holy Spirit would qualify me to confront such a great challenge made me accept the invitation.

Elder: Which are the three main characteristics needed in order to be a good church elder?

Fábio: Dedication, unselfishness and communion with God.

Elder: How has the relationship between the young elders with the rest of the main church been?

Walter: They have been very good; the majority takes the position of co-workers where we help each other. As young people we benefit very much from their experience. There is always a committee, at the beginning of the year, to evaluate and direct, with all the elders including the young ones in which we have the opportunity to contribute and mainly to learn from the more experienced ones how to administer the church.

Elder: How does the church evaluate the work of the elders in a young congregation?

Eduardo: Some with very much attention and respect approach the young elders hoping to furnish new ideas in developing the activities of the church; others inform that experience and maturity are necessary. Many members are of the opinion that the elder must be a person of a certain age and that it is not the white hair that confers knowledge and the needed responsibility to have a part in the Lord's work.

Elder: In your opinion which is the greatest difficulty in leadership?

Fábio: To involve the youth in church activities and helping them to actively participate in preach ing the gospel. But it is necessary to train them, motivate them and equip them for the task.

Elder: How is the church coping with the influence of gospel music in its program?

Walter: The church has tried to maintain an equilibrium concerning music style. We have endeavored to select music that is solemn, joyful and edifying. In our church we have no gospel music. The first thing I noticed, when I knew this church, was the refined musical choices. Thus I find it difficult to be influenced by this style of music which practically has not a constructive word and that it mixes rhythms that in the majority of cases are worldly.

Elder: The young church of Curitiba has excelled in music. Is that a deciding factor to keep the youth in the church?

Eduardo: Without a doubt. Those who participate are much more involved in church activities and established in the faith. In other words, those who participate remain longer than those who just come to church. If the church is singing beautifully and with intensity it's because they have much for which to praise and thank the Lord. Therefore the praise expressed produces a very favorable environment for conservation and conversion. But the music alone does not keep the youth in the church. What will keep them in church is only and exclusively a close connection with God and total surrender. It is fundamental that there be a sincere surrender at the feet of the Savior.

Elder: What strategies has the church been using to attract and evangelize the youth?

Fábio: The young person likes new and different things, an important challenge for young people is to always innovate and at the same be practical, just as modern life is fast and practical. To do that today, we are practically working in three fronts. First, through the friendship that the young Adventist has among his fellow workers or students. The young people enjoy friendship, trust them and through them a door is opened to invite them to the church activities. That calls for planning and presenting special programs for visitors, topics dealing with modern life and how these facts announce the soon return of our Savior. We are having good results with the strategy of bring ing friends to organize small groups. Second, one question that is very popular is solidarity. We see in the media different works and groups that help the needy and based on that we initiate activities such as delivery of snacks to road dwellers, beggars, visits to hospitals and to needy children. The third strategy is based on planning and the use of the internet. Our church already has some on-line discussion groups and we are now thinking about displaying short messages that would be like "virtual pamphlets." In order to do that we must make careful preparation of the texts and topics, since they must be small, attractive and objective.

Elder: In your opinion, which are the main causes for apostasy among the youth or what is the church doing to help them?

Walter: The main causes for apostasy are centered on friendship and our principles. Friendship can help a young person to bring people to the knowledge of our faith or it can be a way for those who are weak in the faith to apostatize. Concerning the strengthening of the principles, we are always promoting the study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, inviting pastors and intellectuals of the church to lead out in seminars and to interchange arguments and knowledge with the youth.

Elder: In your opinion, what are the areas in which the youth is asking for help? Where is most difficult to offer help?

Eduardo: The areas in which the youth have more doubts are those related to love, type of entertainment that they can frequent, discussion on topics related to religion in an academic setting to defend their faith, music and style (wearing of jewels, certain types of styles of clothing). I agree that the most difficult is the one about relationship, since they involve feelings and the attraction of the media with relation to sex.

Elder: In you opinion, which are the main difficulties facing the young elders?

Fábio: The lack of experience on how the elder should act in his church, with the membership, and his work in the administration of the church. His lack of experience in matters of counseling, since most of the time we lack that experience about people who come to us clamoring for help.