Bene Augusta dos Anjos is from the Central Brazil Union.

I. Introduction

It is altogether proper that the Bible should contain a classic description of the great woman who is also a good mother. These words could be the words which came from the mother of a king as she gave him guidelines concerning his future wife (Prov. 31:1). The good wife who is to be a good mother is declared to be the most precious possession a man can have (Prov. 31:10).

II. The great woman, the good woman, the good mother does something more than give birth to a baby

A. She is described as being trustworthy (Prov. 31:11). She is reliable and responsible.

B. She is described as being benevolent (Prov. 31:12). The good mother is good to her husband and good to her children. She knows how to spell the word "love" with the letters G-I-V-E. She knows how to spell the word "love" with the letters H-E-L-P.

C. She is described as being industrious (Prov. 31:31). The wise man describes the great woman and the good mother as one who was not completely domesticated and confined to the household (cf. 31:16,18,24). She is described as one whose work continues from sun till sun (Prov. 31:27).

D. She is described as having a good self image (Prov. 31:25). The woman who holds herself in low esteem will not be able to relate herself positively and constructively to others. (Prov. 31:25). The role of beauty in our society contributes to the average woman holding herself in low esteem. Our modern education system prepares girls not for motherhood but for a secular career. These factors combine, giving the modern mother a low evaluation of her role, and this contributes to an attitude of low self esteem. To overcome this peril, the modern mother needs to evaluate herself and be recognized and appreciated by her husband.

E. She is described as being compassionate (Prov. 31:20).

1. Toward her husband.
2. Toward her children.
3. Attitude which extends beyond the family circle.

F. She makes constructive use of her tongue (Prov. 3 1:26).

1. Proverbs has much to say about the use of the tongue.
2. Can be used as a knife to destroy.
3. Can be used as a soothing oil to heal our injuries.
4. Can be used to bolster and to encourage the spirit like the notes of a trumpet arouse to action.

III. Helping mothers to be better mothers

A. The wife must begin by helping herself to be a good mother.

1. Consider yourself and make certain that you are the good gift of God to your husband. The wise man said the gifts of God are always good. God wants to help you be one of His best gifts to your husband (see Prov. 18:22).
2. Be the real gift of God to your children. Every child deserves the right to be wanted, accepted, and appreciated. You can begin the process of becoming a good and great mother if you will accept your child as a gift and as a trust and as a responsibility given to you by God.

B. The husband has much to contribute toward helping his wife become a good and great mother.

1. Accept your wife as a precious gift from God. She needs your help, your support, your encouragement, your partnership.
2. Love your wife as Christ loved the church so sacrificially that He was willing to give Himself for it upon the cross (Eph. 5:25-27). There must be sacrificial love toward each other if they are both to be the good parents their children need and deserve.
3. Love your wife as you love your own body (Eph. 5:28-33). The biblical concept of marriage is a unity or a one flesh relationship. The husband and wife are seen as a union of two personalities into a union of completion.
4. Treat your wife with reverence, respect, and courtesy (I Peter 3:7). Peter declares that a man is responsible to God for the manner in which he relates himself to his wife. If he mistreats her, he will disrupt his fellowship with God and will be unable to have his prayers answered. The apostle declares that a man is responsible for helping his wife be a good wife and a good mother.
5. Be grateful for your wife (Prov. 31:28). We have a healthy and wholesome opinion of ourselves when we see respect in the eyes of others and hear words of appreciation from their lips.
6. Pray for your wife. She needs your help. She needs the Lord's help. Lift her up before God's throne of grace and ask Him to help her with all her problems and with all her needs.

C. The children have much to contribute toward helping their mother become a good and great mother.

1. Be thoughtful toward your mother. Do not take her for granted.
2. Become someone that your mother can be proud of and grateful for. Guard against ever conducting yourself in such a manner as to embarrass your mother.
3. Be grateful for your mother. Do not hesitate to express appreciation and praise to your mother.
4. Be helpful to your mother. She has many responsibilities and duties, and you can be helpful to her by doing all you can to take care of yourself and your own things.

IV. Conclusion

God wants to help mothers be better mothers. Jesus Christ came to be the Savior of mothers because mothers are sinners like the rest of us. If you are a young girl, you need Christ in your heart if you would be the best possible wife and the best possible mother of your children that someday will be born.

If you are already a mother and do not have Christ in your heart, then let me encourage you to invite Him to come in today. He wants to be your Savior, your teacher, and your helper.

Be assured that whatever your problems are and whatever your needs may be, Jesus Christ wants to minister to you and to minister through you to your children. Choose this day to cooperate with Him.

V. Illustration

Not until I became a mother did I understand how much my mother had sacrificed for me. Not until I became a mother did I feel how hurt my mother was when I disobeyed. Not until I became a mother did I know how proud my mother was when I achieved. Not until I became a mother did I realize how much my mother loves me. -Victoria Farnsworth

Bene Augusta dos Anjos is from the Central Brazil Union.